Sunday, January 4, 2009

So My Daughter is so fun!

Mandi had this tag on her blog and she is so creative and witty!  I know mine will just be boring, except the ones I steal from her, but here goes:

1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes- on lettuce wedges with ranch dressing and bacon

2. Do you own a gun? a glue gun. 
3. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite? Cherry!!!!
4. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? YES.  I hate going to any doctor!
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I love them!
6. Favorite Christmas movie? You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!
7. Favorite thing to drink in the morning? Ovaltine
8. Can you do push ups? RIGHT!
9. Favorite piece of jewelry? the darling bracelet I got for Christmas from a little girl in my primary class!
10. Favorite hobby? hmmm, I used to have hobbies!
11. Do you have A.D.D? UHHHHHH yes!
12. What is one trait you hate about yourself? unmotivated!
13. Middle name? Fox
14. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. i'm not hungry but NEED to eat, my feet are cold, these nuts taste icky!
15. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. water, water, water.
16. Current worry? all the things I need to do now that I am back in town!
17. Current hate right now? I don't hate anything but I strongly dislike many things!

18. Favorite place to be? Home with Mike or in PA or TN with my kids and grandkids.
19. How did you bring in the new year? Spent a fortune on an incredible meal at Cucine Toscana.  Mike said it was so good it gave him chills.  Food normally means next to nothing to him!
20. Where would you like to go? Maui
21. Name three people who might complete this. No one, Nobody and not anybody.
22. Do you own slippers? sort of.  I own some pink high top uggs that I wear to keep my feet warm.  Wish I had them on right now!
23. What shirt are you wearing? a really large, streched out T-shirt that I sleep in.
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No. Too slippery, and cold.
25. Can you whistle? kinda
26. Favorite color? depends on what it is on. A wall? medium green. A shirt, fushia. Eyes, blue!  College Football team BYU blue!
27. Would you be a pirate? Not a chance.
28. What songs do you sing in the AM? "Show me the way to go home. I'm tired and I want to go to bed"
29. Favorite girl’s name? not CYD
30. Favorite boy’s name? Michael ( :D )
31. What’s in your pocket right now? don't have one.
32. Last thing that made you laugh?  my son and daughter this weekend in Seattle.
33. What vehicle do you drive? Mercedes C280
34. Worst injury you have ever had? Mandi said "Does an episiotomy count?"  I would have to agree but just in case it doesn't it would probably be when I practically cut off my finger while try to get ice cream from a carton using a table knife!
35. Do you love where you live?  Love?  hmmmm....
36. How many TV’s do you have in your house? 3
37. Who is your loudest friend?  I really don't have loud friends but Kash has a great laugh!
38. Do you have any pets? nope, no way, no how!
39. Does someone have a crush on you?  Of course!  my honey!
40. What is your favorite book(s)?  To Kill a Mockingbird
41. Do you collect anything? Nativities
42. Favorite sports team? See favorite color answer
43. What song do you want played at your funeral? Oh, Divine Redeemer
44. What song should have been playing at your birth?  She's a Maniac...

Oh yeah, TAG!  You’re it!!

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