Sunday, June 1, 2008

I'm back!!! it's taken me this long to get over Archie's loss. I decided that the reason he lost is because everyone knew he would win so didn't stay up until midnight or 1 AM (depending on time zone) to vote. He won the week before after all.

Oh, well. He is fine. What a cute boy. LOOK:
Anyway, on with real life. My child is indoctrinating his child at the tender age of 4. Check it out:

Seriously, isn't she a cutie? Here she is in a fearsome pose as a 4 year old ninja, yellow stipe belt and all!

This while battling Jevenile Rheumatoid Arthritis! She is doing very well and we fell greatly blessed.

So I am off to teach my little 5 year olds in Primary. Did I mention the kid who acted out electricity during a recent lesson on power? All I could do is sit there with my mouth hanging open! :D


Stephenson and Katie said...

One of my friends cousin's is BFF with Archie and he said Archie already has a record contract and he's starting to record next week! He even was able to get a contract that allowed him to have ALL Sunday's off- which would not have happened had he won A.I. so maybe it was meant to be that he took 2nd!

Cute pics of Audrey- Minus the Obama sign. Seriously. She is precious!!

Gramma Cyddie said...

I agree with you. several weeks before the final i told mike i thought archie would be better off not winning...still in the end i was bummed. Go figure! It's so silly!!! I hope this will also allow him to serve a mission. We will see. Can't wait for his album!

Stephenson and Katie said...

I can't either!! My friend actually said the church is strongly discouraging him from serving a mission, just because he is too famous. People wouldn't take him as seriously and it would be a security threat :) Personally I think he can influence more people in the world through being such a good example of our faith....

Gramma Cyddie said...

who exactly is "the church"? I can't imagine any church leader saying that! Whether he goes or not he will make a big impact on people because of the kind of person he is.