Sunday, March 1, 2009

blog shmog

My son-in-law said "you need to update your blog!"  Fine...but I really don't have much to say.
As I have mentioned I have another blog that takes a great deal of emotion to write.  It is draining!  
Mike went to Hawaii this week.  And to Phoenix.  I stayed here and FROZE.  What a cold couple of days we have had!
I went to Madden's blessing. What an adorable baby though I have yet to hold him. Casey gave a beautiful blessing and an inspiring testimony.  We had wonderful food and company afterwards.  Even got to see Beckham who is so tiny and cute!  I wanted to cuddle him too but he's still too little!
Oh, yes...and GO COUGARS!  That was awesome! a thought for the day ( since I lost all my email and contacts and can't send one that way) "It is a powerful act of faith to give something to someone else when we feel empty.  Truly, giving when we are longing to have someone give to us seems to defy reason.  But in spiritual terms it makes perfect sense.  Giving out of what one feels are meager resources is like reaching into Elijah's nearly empty cornmeal barrel during a famine and coming up with a full cup everytime.  Giving to others the things we are most longing for ourselves follows the principles of godliness and results in an unexpected sense of fulness."  M. Catherine Thomas


mandi said...

I LOVE MCT! She has the ability to reach down to the bottom of my gut and yank it out my throat. I love that! Thanks for posting. kisses!

Gramma Cyddie said...

can't wait to read her latest book! We should all read it and have a discussion at our reunion!!!