Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy 60th to me!

So ever since Peach was tiny we have had this thing have done and now do with all the grandkids.  When we leave one another we make the signs for "I" "love" "you".  We don't do the single sign we sign each word.  for my birthday Mandi sent me the following pictures in a frame so they are side by side:

How cute is that!!!  JNJ wasn't quite getting it but Peach said his finger needed to bend like Gramma's.  My pointer is the one that I had fused so it is always curved. :)
Yesterday my daughter called and left me a message: "Hi mom.  I just wanted to talk to you one more time before you are really, really really, really  old!  Thanks precious!!!  
My son and his family sent me a GC to Amazon to help my buy an itouch.  When it came I didn't even look at who sent it.  I was thinking Amazon was sending me a really generous reward for past purchases.  I already had a $25 reward waiting to be used so I came right in and got on the computer and ordered my itouch for $75 off.  Today when I talked with him my son asked me if I got the gift card.  I said that I hadn't but that I had already ordered the itouch.  He felt bad that I hadn't been able to use the gift card he sent.  As we talked I told him how I had received a $50 reward card from Amazon.  The lightbulb went on just as I realized that the "reward"card was for the same amount as his gift card and he said "that was from us!"  I went to the trash and sure enough it said "Happy Birthday love D/J/I./A/E/A"  I was so excited to have it that I didn't even see that part!  how silly of me.  So the itouch is on it's way.  Precious M also sent me $ and at work we always put $5 each in a card for whoever is having a birthday.  with that money I think I will buy the Brighton watch I have been wanting.
Friday I called Parsons to order myself a cake.  Mike had been out of town and wouldn't be home until late.  I told the clerk to put "happy birthday Cyd" on the cake and that I would pick it up at 3.  Then she said "what is your name?"  I thought "oh, no.  Now I have to tell her I am buying it for myself!!!  I tried to think about a good fake name I could use but went blank so just said "Cyd."  But my sweet husband actually brought me a cake froma quaint little bakery in Philly where he was on a layover!  I should have had a little faith!
Thanks everyone for a great birthday!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

For Mikeal

"Those great men and women, and I’m thinking now, in particular, of the great men and women of the early part of this dispensation, did not leave their homes and bury children along the plains and have their lives absolutely turned upside-down just so you and I could go to church in lovely meeting houses, and go to school on lovely church campuses, and watch General Conference on Satellite or streaming live on the internet. Their part was to lay the foundation of the Kingdom of God and our part is to help build up and defend that kingdom. We are here now because we are supposed to be here now. Of that I have a solemn witness and testimony. You are not here by accident, you were held in reserve for this day.

"When you absolutely know who you are, it changes everything about the choices you make and about the way you spend and live your lives.  I invite you to get on your knees and begin to pray, and ask the Father to talk to you about you. Ask him if those words 'the noble and great ones' have anything to do with you, and see what he tells you. It may take a day, or a week, or a month, or a year, I don’t know how long it will take, itwill be individual. But, I promise you, the Lord will speak to you and make it very clear how he feels about you. When you begin to understand not only who you are, but who you have always been, when you have a witness that you are here now because you are supposed to be here now, that you have a mission to fulfill - and when you try to live in harmony with that knowledge - you will be happier than you have ever been. That’s a promise."  Sheri Dew BYU-H Devotional Feb 17, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

blog shmog

My son-in-law said "you need to update your blog!"  Fine...but I really don't have much to say.
As I have mentioned I have another blog that takes a great deal of emotion to write.  It is draining!  
Mike went to Hawaii this week.  And to Phoenix.  I stayed here and FROZE.  What a cold couple of days we have had!
I went to Madden's blessing. What an adorable baby though I have yet to hold him. Casey gave a beautiful blessing and an inspiring testimony.  We had wonderful food and company afterwards.  Even got to see Beckham who is so tiny and cute!  I wanted to cuddle him too but he's still too little!
Oh, yes...and GO COUGARS!  That was awesome! a thought for the day ( since I lost all my email and contacts and can't send one that way) "It is a powerful act of faith to give something to someone else when we feel empty.  Truly, giving when we are longing to have someone give to us seems to defy reason.  But in spiritual terms it makes perfect sense.  Giving out of what one feels are meager resources is like reaching into Elijah's nearly empty cornmeal barrel during a famine and coming up with a full cup everytime.  Giving to others the things we are most longing for ourselves follows the principles of godliness and results in an unexpected sense of fulness."  M. Catherine Thomas