Saturday, January 19, 2008

Giving it a try

So I decided to try my hand at blogging. Problem is I am just not an interesting person! I enjoy reading my son's blog...of course I am thrilled to see pictures of my grandkids there. I wish Mandi would create a blog. She likes to read them but has yet to create her own. I enjoyed spending time on Lauren's, Katie's, Beth's and Missy's today when I really need to be writing a talk for church tomorrow, getting mom's groceries, preparing a primary lesson and going to the temple. I will get all those things done one way or another. I have already been on the treadmill and helped little ones create booklets showing some of the 200 names for Jesus at our ward Primary activity.

The Primary thing is all new for me. It has been nearly 20 years since I have served in Primary. Having just been released from 10 years in the Stake RS presidency I am a bit out of my element. The 5 year olds just don't seem to appreciate quotes like "empathy during agony is a portion of divinity" from Neal Maxwell! But they love with a purity that is amazing and precious. They don't see my weaknesses...except maybe that 3 year old who told me I was not his boss! :D

My feet are freezing today. I am counting on the spirit to warm me up along with a mug of Stephen's Gormet Italian Ammaretto cocoa. Wish me luck.


Stephenson and Katie said...

Yay Cyd!! I'm so glad you got a blog! We have got to get Mandi to get one!!

The Parks Fam said...

YEAHHHHH!!!! I love the blog!!! I can't wait to check it everyday.

beth said...

It was great to see you today! I hope your lesson AND talk both went well.