Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ewww Ick

I really should post something just so that picture won't be the first thing you see on my blog! Mike went back to work. He is so brave an buff! It has been difficult but he is a real trouper. The hole in his arm is getting smaller but seriously I don't get how it will ever heal.

We are off to Tennessee to spend a week with our 7 grandkids (ages 9,7,5,4,3,2 9.5 mos)...and their parents. So excited. HMJ asked his mom "what's a cousin?" first time we have all been together in 4 years and HMJ is 4! Will post pics when we return.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Seriously...should I post?

Almost a month. Mike is hoping to go back to work next Friday. I am now the sunBLOCK nazi! see why....I mean what good did those Frankenstein staples do?---except under the steri strips which looks really awesome. Too bad you can't see it.
I's gross but at least I chose the small picture and not large! :)