Friday, February 29, 2008

little poser!

HMJ kept posing and saying "take it now." I would show him the picture and then he would do a new pose. It was really funny that he wanted one from the back. I suppose he has never really seen himself from that angle!

Baptism dress shared by two.

GSJ kept fluffing the sleves so they would puff out! I think she quite enjoyed the dress.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I should be fired!

Ok. so it's perfectly clear that Gramma Cyddie is a terrible blogger! I was really hoping this would turn out better than my attempt at journal keeping but, as you can clearly see, it has not!

What a busy month. I began working in the Catering department at JSMB. The knowledge of details required for this job is immense! It has been fun to learn new computer programs and to contemplate the possiblities that lie ahead! Still it's a bit frightening and overwhelming.

I continue to work in HR and to tell the truth it's a bit of a relief each week to go back to something I feel competent with. They did hire someone to work there but she will not be taking my responsibilities so I will continue to work as necessary there.

Mike and I spent most of last week in Tennessee caring for two precious little boys. I got very little sleep but was blessed with the ability to care for them anyway! And i had great help from Mike who succumbed to Henry's every whim! HMJ started out calling me gramma and by the time I left he was calling me graymma. He always said it in threes "graymma, graymma, graymma"! So cute.

Jones was sweet as can be and loved to be up and down off my lap and give great hugs. I missed my peach but she had a great time with her mom and dad in Chicago!

the highlight of the week was GSJ's baptism on Saturday. She was precious! She wore the dress Mandi wore when she was baptised. How can it have been that long ago?

Tomorrow night is my first Institute lesson. I am trying to remind myself that fear and faith cannot exist in a person at the same time. With God all things are possible! I will report!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

Tag I'm it!'s my tag:
10 Years ago
Wow, let’s see. I had quit teaching school just 3 months prior to this time and had been called to serve in the Stake RS Presidency. I served in that capacity for 10 years until Oct 21 of 2007.

5 things on my to-do list today.
Look for the valentines dress I made Mandi when she was GSJ’s age
Go to lunch with my friends
Watch the new First Presidency announcement
Call mom’s insurance company about an unpaid claim
Spend some time with Mike who is NEVER home.

Things I would do if I was suddenly made a billionaire:
Pay tithing, and make a nice donation to the PEF in President Hinckley’s name
Pay off the few debts I have
Pay off my children’s homes
Fund my grandkids missions and college education
Go to Maui!

Three of My Bad Habits:
Over eating
Staying up too late
Wasting time

Five Places I have Lived:
Belmont, Ca
Dallas, Texas
Provo, Utah (go cougs!!)
El Segundo, Ca
And many more!

FIVE Jobs I have had:
Millinery department at some cheesy store in Dallas
Making circuits at Develo Tronics (Dallas)
U of U Reference library
KD Craft
Teaching high school math
And several others

Things people don't know about me:
1) I talk to myself and I answer
2) I tried out to be a police woman in LA
3) I tried out for Young Ambassador’s at BYU
4) I interviewed to be a flight attendant
5) I have a degree in Sociology
6) I am crocheting my first blanket!
7) I am very uncomfortable around people
8) I like U2
9) I love hopscotch and jacks
10) I love Holly hocks because they remind me of summers with my grandmother